
“With a storied repertoire of sometimes forgotten and often unforgettable songs, Daniel McKinstry unites music past with music present, exploring the roots of rock and roll, and in the process unites generations of music lovers with foot-stomping, knee-slapping magic.”

The Weekly Volcano

“McKinstry is especially fond of making mandolins, carving unique and lovely designs and mosaics into the wood. Sometimes a completed instrument produces such a beautiful sound that he is reluctant to sell it. “I keep the jewels for myself,” he says.”

Thurston Talk

“McKinstry explained that the top and body of his guitars come from the same block of wood. After the body is hollowed, the top is joined precisely as it fit when the two pieces of wood were one. The result is a guitar body that appears to have no seams. There's a value to all of this beyond attractive appearance.”

Lewiston Tribune